Friday, August 5, 2011

Can I dye my hair auburn after bleaching it?

if you bleach you're hair when you wash out you're hair it'll turn you're hair orange. When ever you bleach you're hair it's best to go with brown tones, blondes that don't have any red tones. You don't want to waist you're time fixing it again. Ok this is what i did to kind of get rid of the red tones. You have to have an ash brown, or beige brown so it can tone down the red tones and look more like a golden brown. If you want to go back to you're natural hair color stick with the dark brown to black to even out from the bleach to hide all color that was mixed in you're hair. Then you can wait for at least 6 months to a year to color whatever tone you want. or you can Go with loreal, for dark hair color ultra light ash brown, cooler. It'll lighten you're hair if you have dark tones. or light beige brown, cooler. Those hair colors are good for dark hair color and to even out or tone down red tones. >Do a sample on one strand if you see the result completly the result you like go for it. < oh sorry go with dark tones with red you don't want those tones to wash out into an orange tone if it's medium to light. yea it's good.

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